This project explores the dynamic relationship between stress and tranquility through a materials-first approach. The lamp design uses threads to symbolize stress—fluctuating, constant, or controlled—reflecting human experiences. As stress increases, tranquility decreases, but balance can be restored through conscious effort. In the transformation phase, this concept is translated into an amphitheater designed as a stress buster. The architectural construct embodies a space for relaxation and release, reinforcing the idea of controlled tension and calmness. Through iterative prototyping, material exploration, and conceptual refinement, the project captures the evolving nature of emotional equilibrium in both object and space.

Lamp highlighting the concept of Stress and Tranquility through thread

Image depicting rings under stress, causing them to sag due to tension and structural deformation.
Image depicting rings under stress, causing them to sag due to tension and structural deformation.
Image depicting how the introduction of the thread stabilizes and holds back the stress, preventing further distortion.
Image depicting how the introduction of the thread stabilizes and holds back the stress, preventing further distortion.
Image illustrating how human stress becomes visible to others, either through one's shadow as a metaphorical representation or through changes in behavior and body language.
Image illustrating how human stress becomes visible to others, either through one's shadow as a metaphorical representation or through changes in behavior and body language.

A render showcasing the lamp in a real living room setting, highlighting its design and ambiance

An image illustrating the transformation of the lamp into an amphitheater, embodying the stress-relief concept.

Image illustrating the initial concept and progression of the transformation process.
Image illustrating the initial concept and progression of the transformation process.
Image depicting wooden sticks forming a protective shield, symbolizing relief from stress and the creation of a safe, tranquil space.
Image depicting wooden sticks forming a protective shield, symbolizing relief from stress and the creation of a safe, tranquil space.
Image showcasing the overall view of the amphitheater, highlighting its form, spatial arrangement, and integration of the stress-relief concept.
Image showcasing the overall view of the amphitheater, highlighting its form, spatial arrangement, and integration of the stress-relief concept.

Perspective Section of amphitheater

Render depicting the amphitheater in a real-world setting, showcasing its scale, materiality, and interaction with the surrounding environment

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